Tuesday, November 9, 2010

2 Day warm-up trek in Ladakh

So with the tourist season well and truly over, we decided to embark on a wee two day trek using a description from the Lonely Planet and a very basic local map (no contours and very much not to scale). A very gentle first day had us fetching up at a 'Homestay' with a warm and welcoming Ladakhi family.
Day 2, however, turned out to be a rude awakening as we made an ascent from 4000m to 5000m above sea level in a morning; the last 400m up a slope of about 45 degrees taking us a good couple of hours and a lot of puff!
After much dizziness, a certain amount of disorientation, getting a tad lost, and a blister the size of an orange on Harry's heel, we made it back to Leh before dark. Just!

Still a bit to go till the top....
Made it!

Where we stayed

Where we did not stay...

Bex learns to spin a yarn.....

.....in the face

high altitude, home spun weird animal toys

thanks bex for buying me
those really cheap walking boots!

Tibetan marriage headdress - male shop keeper took quite
a shine to harry and his 'beautiful eyes - blue like kashmiri lake'!

have you met my wife?... Face like a yak's arse, arse like a yak's face!

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