Monday, May 2, 2011


We arrived in Argentina late February and after a few days in Buenos Aires catching up with Anna Templeton we went to stay with my God-Mother, Sally Campbell and her two sons, Roddy and Tommy on their estancia near Carlos Cesares about 4 hours south west of BA.
We had a very comfortable and relaxing few days here.  Bex and I both got on horses for the first time in about 30 years and enjoyed evening rides and herding cattle.

Estancia La Ballena

Spring fed swimming pool

Sal-Pal and H

Tommy and Roddy

Out riding


Sal-Pal's cousin, Serry and her daughters Sakia and Lily

Its Becko & H-o in Oz!

On our way from India to South America we stopped over in Australia for a couple of weeks to get back into lager, meat eating and catching up with friends.  In fact we managed to 'couch surf' (freeload) in the most upmarket way...

Firstly Chessie and Archie had us to stay in Manly, Sydney; they set us up with maps, guide books and a sat nav for our roadtrip.  We drove down from Sydney to stay with the lovely Pip, Jan & Izzie for a few nights, before we hit the coastal road all the way up to Adelaide.   En route, in Barwon Heads, Davina & Ruaraidh, Alice & Jack Gunn very kindly lent us their beautiful beach house and we had a wonderful couple of days with them exploring the beach and being bracingly British swimming in the nippy sea. Bex, Matt (Harry's old work mate) and their 2 children Callum & Michaela had us to stay in Adelaide and took us on an epic tour of the vineyards.  We then flew back to Sydney for a couple of nights with newly engaged Michael and Danielle.   All in all a wonderful and luxurious whistle stop tour of Oz!

Chessie showing us the delights of the big budgie swim, across Manly Bay.

The boys and their budgies...

Harry explaining how big his budgie is to Archie!

F*@^&*g Hippy!

Harry's facial hair reaches new moustache twizzling heights

Pip, Jan & Harry


Terry at Belles Beach - remember the last scene of  the film Point Break?

burrowing children on the beach
familia Gunn

Davina & Jack

Alice & Jack horse riding
sunset lagers at Barwon Heads

Matt and Bex Reid with Harry

Maybe we should spend some time apart....

Michaela and Callum

Vineyard tour

Passion in the vines